how to have an effective recon?

3 min readDec 29, 2022

đź“‘ Introduction

In this article, we examine several tips that can help you have an efficient recon on your bug bounty targets, which can lead you to more endpoints!

if you’re a mid-level Hunter and understand the basics of Web penetration, This article can help you achieve better methodology in recon.

đź’˛ BASH Scripting

How can bash scripting help you in recon?

imagine we have a wildcard scope like ( *.domain.tld ), you probably use all of your subdomain finders tools like amass, subfinder, assetfinder to gather more subdomains.

but there is an easier way that allows you to combine all of your tools with just ONE COMMAND and that’s BASH

here’s an example bash script that will help you in effective recon :

let’s create a bash file with nano or your favorite code editor:


Then write this code into it:


subfinder -d $url -o subdomains.txt

assetfinder --subs-only $url | anew subdomains.txt

amass enum -d $url -o subdomains_amass.txt

cat subdomains_amass.txt | anew subdomains.txt

Give the script execution permission using :

chmod +x

In the first line, we define an input named “url” and by writing url=$1 you can give value to url variable, using argument.

if you run “bash domain.tld” the url variable will be equal to domain.tld which is easier than using “read” for manual input, but it’s optional

In the second line, the script will execute subfinder and will replace the url value with “$url” and your command will be like this: “subfinder -d domain.tld -o subdomains.txt”. Then the result will be in a text file named subdomains.txt

Next line the assetfinder will execute with url value the same as the previous line but it will add the new subdomains to subdomains.txt using anew. anew is a tool that will add new lines to the specified file. the mechanism of anew is the same as “tee -a” but better.

The fourth line is also like the above, using anew to add the new subdomain to subdomains.txt .

📍 Now you actually combined 3 tools by just running “bash domain.tld”, how easier and faster imagine you can Gather information and combine more tools using BASH. you can use and combine more tools to have a better subdomains list. more tools mean more domains and more domains mean better recon in a faster way!

đź“© use burp suite proxy for anything

How would that help?

well, burp will tell you the HTTP status code, IP, method, and a lot more for every single request you have. burp also scans each request!

instead of using tools for telling you the status code, use BURP by specifying the proxy to “" or whatever your port is.

let me show you an example:

subfinder -d -proxy

while my burp is up and running, subfinder is searching for every subdomain of throw my burp proxy. every request that subfinder is making is under my control now. I can intercept it or just view it in burp history.

â­• Use your own wordlist in FUZZING

don’t use a common wordlist like “seclist” for old platforms. cause hackers already used that on targets and got their bounty. it might help you sometimes but it’s better to use your own wordlist for fuzzing. every hacker should have his own list.

suggested video for making your own wordlist :

That was it for now. I will create more articles like this but I’m also eager to hear your feedback and suggestion about this article. share it for hunters

